Sunday, March 28, 2010

Thanks Aunt Corrie

Eli was having a great time playing with his Dinosaur Dig present from Aunt Corrie. He had to go to bathroom, I came around the corner to Eli's shrieks to find Sam having a even better time with Eli's dinosaur dig. He was literally throwing the sand up in the air. Let's just say it took me all day to clean that up. It's OK though I'm keeping my eyes out for the perfect birthday present for Walter... Moon Sand anyone?


  1. I only dish out what I can take! Walter says bring it on...A sandbox or some drums would be nice!

  2. I know, and Eli really does love the dino dig and does great it. Sam is just turning into a great big messer! Moon sand is super cool and fun by the way :)

  3. I want Moon Sand for myself! I saw the one where you can mold it into bricks and build castles and stuff. Would it be wrong to buy it and not let my child play with it?
